The TDS Charitable Foundation is a newly launched charity with a mission to improve private rented housing standards.
Organisations in the UK are invited to apply for grants of up to £20,000 to advance education about housing rights and obligations.
Activities must meet one of the following themes for funding:
Theme 1 – promoting knowledge of private landlord’s obligations when renting homes.
The Foundation invites proposals that will help to educate landlords who are inexperienced and do not fully understand the obligations that they have to meet as a landlord.
Theme 2 – promoting knowledge of tenants’ rights and responsibilities.
The Foundation invites proposals which will help educate tenants about their rights and responsibilities. A particular focus of this will be the student market.
A total of £105,000 will be allocated in three funding rounds.
The 2014/15 deadlines for applications are 30 June 2014, 31 October 2014 and 30 January 2015. Full details here