This is database useful for anyone looking for funding for a Historic Building It is managed by The Heritage Alliance and the Architectural Heritage Fund, the Heritage Funding Directory is a free, easy-to-use guide to financial and other support for anyone undertaking UK related heritage projects.
Category: Uncategorized
Fundraising books
There are many fundraising books on the market, but the one I would recommend if you were to buy one would be this, which is available through Amazon (you may even be able to pick up a bargain second hand copy, although make sure you get the latest edition, not the first one which is […]
People’s Postcode Trust
The Trust’s Small Grants scheme is open from 1st October to 30th October for proejcts in Wales, Scotland and London They like to support innovative and engaging projects of up to one year in length that bring a positive impact to local communities. Grants are available between £500 and £20,000 (£10,000 in Wales). The larger and […]
Plunkett Foundation
The Plunkett employs a team of people who can provide a wide range of free advice and support to any community considering setting up or already running community enterprises in rural areas (including Pubs and Shops). This advice can be provided over the phone, by email, or in person either at our office in Oxfordshire, or […]
Esmee Fairbairn Strategy
Esmee Fairbairn Foundation have launched a new funding strategy. They have not changed their themes but the new strategy sets out more clearly how they like to fund and what they are looking for in each of their main themes: Environment, Art, Food, Social Change, Young people The information is set out in the what we fund section of […]
GreenHall Foundation
The Foundation gives grants up to £10,000 to organisations working with physically and mentally disabled people and disadvantaged people aged over 25. The scheme will open on the 1st of May and close when they receive 100 applications. Only registered charities may apply. About 1/3 of grants are made to organisation in Yorkshire and there is […]
Spirit of Achievement Arts and Culture Challenge Fund
The fund in now open for applications that will create opportunities for disabled people of all backgrounds to participate in arts and cultural activities, individually and with their families and friends. They mean arts and cultural activity in the broadest sense, and include visual art, craft, writing and literature, music, dance and performance arts in […]
Elephant and Castle Community Fund – London
Elephant and Castle Community Fund Opens to Applications Funding is available to support a range of activities which improve well being, build on the strengths of local people and celebrate the rich cultural diversity in the Elephant and Castle Opportunity Area in Southwark. The main focus of the Fund will be on improving well being, […]
Santander Social Enterprise Development Awards
Santander Social Enterprise Development Awards Now Open Funding for social enterprises and Community Interest Companies looking to grow their business and improve their local communities in the UK. Awards are available for: Growth Award – a prize of up to £10,000 to support UK registered charities and community groups looking to increase trading. Catalyst Award – […]
Heritage Lottery Fund
The Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) sustains and transforms a wide range of heritage though innovative investment in projects with a lasting impact on people and places. HLF awards a range of grants from £3,000 upwards via the following programmes: Start-up Grants (From £3,000 – £10,000) aimed at helping in the early stages of planning group […]