Will Charitable Trust

Grants vary in amount, but generally fall within the range of £5,000 to £20,000.

The Trust provides financial assistance to UK registered or exempt charities whose activities fall within the following three categories, mainly within the United Kingdom:

  • care of and services for blind people, and the prevention and/or cure of blindness;
  • long-term care of people with learning disabilitieseither in a residential care or supported living environment in a way that provides a family environment and a wide choice of activities and lifestyle or by providing long-term day/employment activities;
  • care of and services for people suffering from cancer, and their families;


Blind people and Learning disabilities

  • Applications should be submitted from November and by 31 JANUARY at the latest.
    Decisions are made in the following April and successful applicants will be notified by the end of the month.

Cancer care

  • Applications should be submitted from June and by 31 AUGUST at the latest.
    Decisions are made in the following November and successful applicants will be notified by the end of the month.


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