Grants (£15-70k) are available to local voluntary, community and charity sector organisations for ‘substantial’ projects that benefit the lives of disadvantaged Manchester City residents and achieve at least one of the themes of the funding programme
Programme wants to attract Applications from organisations which propose Projects that address one or more of these Themes:
I. HELPING IN THE EARLY YEARS – supporting children 0-4 years old, and their parents, to make the best start possible in terms of learning, health and/or nutrition
II. COMBATING LONELINESS AND SOCIAL EXCLUSION – supporting groups of people who are at risk of exclusion from community life. For example as a result of advanced age or disability
III. PROTECTING AND IMPROVING OUR OPEN SPACES – delivering work which ensures public spaces are maintained and improved for the benefit of local people, or expanding access to
open spaces for all members of the community
IV. OFFERING POSITIVE YOUTH ACTIVITIES – providing sustainable, structured programmes/activities to help communities of young people to live safely and successfully
Full details here