The Welsh Government is seeking applications from third sector organisations (either individually or preferably in collaboration) to deliver key Wales for Africa projects for a 3 year period from April 2015. The grant will deliver a programme of work based on the following principles:
- Building effective links between Wales and developing countries in Sub-Saharan Africa by facilitating the transfer and exchange of knowledge and skills.
- Ensuring that any actions undertaken are mutually beneficial to both Wales and the country in Sub-Saharan Africa.
- Ensuring that sustainable development is at the core of all work undertaken, complementing UK government international sustainable development policy and the work of the major agencies.
- Reflecting the concerns and connections of the people and communities of Wales in international development.
- Using public procurement and support to business as a proactive tool for alleviating poverty.
- Delivering the Millennium Development Goals and aligning with the Post 2015 Development Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals.
Deadline 21 November 2014. More info on the website.