The Trustees make discretionary grants where they believe that their contribution will make a real difference.
Both the Health category and the Social or Economic Disadvantage category are becoming more targeted. Two areas of priority focus are being introduced for each of these categories, which will run for two years. Only applications that address those focus areas will be considered for a grant during that time. Refer to Grant purposes, sizes and restrictions below for details. The priority focus for these two categories will change again in October 2023 and be announced in April 2023.
Applications will only be considered from:
- Charities, including CIOs, registered in any part of the United Kingdom
- Exempt Charities as defined in schedule 3 of the Charities Act 2011 and their equivalent in Scotland and Northern Ireland
- municipally-funded museums not included in schedule 3 of the Charities Act 2011
In all cases above, the applicant must have an annual turnover of over £50,000 (defined as 100% of charitable income plus proceeds from any trading income).
Applications will not be considered from:
- Individuals
- Charities registered outside the UK
- Charities that do not have one year of accounts behind them
- Community Interest Companies or other company structures of a not-for-profit nature
- Political parties
Trustees will consider applications for grants that benefit people living outside the UK but only if the charity that applies is registered in the UK.
Grant purposes, sizes and restrictions
Applications must be for charitable purposes that fall into one of the five core categories below; applications for purposes outside these categories are only permitted at the direct invitation of a Trustee:
- Arts and Heritage
- Education
- Environment
- Health
- Social or Economic Disadvantage
Apply here