The Rhododendron Trust is a grant-making charity focused mainly on the welfare of the disadvantaged in both the developing world and the UK, but also supporting a several arts and wildlife charities.
The Rhododendron Trust is a small family Charitable Trust (registration number 267192) which makes grants of between £500 and £1500 to Charities registered in the UK which support social welfare and humanitarian aid projects both in the developing world and the UK (but see Grants Policy for details). It also supports some cultural and wildlife projects. It generally prioritises smaller Charities over larger ones
Grants should be applied for in writing. They are made once a year, generally in February or March. Unsuccessful applicants are informed by email.
Developing world charities
The Trust prefers to support Charities which benefit people affected by more than just poverty, for example people disadvantaged by disability, age, gender or ethnic status, or by the poor medical, welfare or educational infrastructure in their country. Thus Charities which provide medical aid in countries with very few doctors (such as Merlin or Health Poverty Action) or which benefit street children or prevent child labour or child soldiers (such as ChildHope and Children in Crisis), or which provide education (such as Book Aid ), or legal protection (such as Good weave Womankind Worldwide). We are interested in welfare projects which also help sustain the environment.
UK Charities
In the UK we attempt to support those disadvantaged by disability or mental illness (such as those suffering from epilepsy or autism). We also regularly support Charities which work with prisoners and ex-offenders, or those addicted to drugs, and the homeless. We fund charities which support carers and which help the elderly or disadvantaged children. We do not support Charities which help those suffering from cancer or from unusual physical illnesses, nor do we fund medical research or the Hospice movement.