The Oakdale Trust is a small family run foundation which distributes grants to a total value of £250,000 per annum. Grants range from £250 up to £2000 with an average of approximately £1000. The Trust’s area of interest includes the following:
- Welsh based social and community projects
- Medical: Support groups operating in Wales; UK based medical research project
- Environment conservation projects based in Wales
- Some support is given to the Arts where there is a Welsh connection
- UK based and registered charities working in the developing world
- Penal Reform
Applications are accepted from registered charities, exempt charities, Community Interest Companies and community groups (who must nevertheless have a constitution, an elected committee and a bank account controlled by two or more committee members).
Applications can be submitted using the on-line form (preferred) or sent in by post. An official application form is available for download although applicants are free to submit requests in any format so long as applications are clear and concise, covering – aims and achievements, plans and needs supported by a budget for the project in question.
Applicants applying for a grant in excess of £1500 are asked to submit a recent set of audited accounts only if not already available on the Charity Commission web site.
Please give a web address where supporting information is available on-line. In order to minimise the waste of time and material, large organisations in particular are asked to submit one application only per trustees’ meeting and to avoid sending in duplicate applications.
Applications for both project and core funding are considered.
Repeat applications are not usually considered within two years of an award.
The trustees meet twice a year in April and October to consider applications and to award grants. The deadline for applications to the April meeting is normally the first week of March and for the October meeting the first week of September. No grants are awarded between meetings.