The Matrix Causes Fund is a charitable fund administered by Matrix. Since 2003 we have committed over £1million to national and international charitable causes. The Matrix Causes Fund is a restricted fund under the auspices of Prism the Gift Fund, UK charity no. 1099682. Members make monthly contributions to the Fund and a sub-committee considers applications for funding twice a year.
The Matrix Causes Fund provides support to organisations which promote access to justice (particularly for people trying to get support to meet their basic personal needs), equality of opportunity, or a sustainable environment.
Applications are particularly welcome from organisations whose focus is on supporting the needs of vulnerable persons such as prisoners, asylum seekers, people with mental health difficulties, people (particularly children) with disabilities, or women in refuges.
Other than in exceptional circumstances, the Fund will only provide an organisation with one-off funds of up to £5,000, or funds of up to £3,000 a year for 3 years for a specific project which supplements the organisation’s core activities.
If you have a project with which you would like financial assistance, please check the full criteria and make an application; the Criteria for Funding and Application Form can be found below.
Please note, we are no longer accepting applications for this year but we will make an announcement when applications re-open for 2024-25.