The Holbeck Charitable Trust is a grant making charity which makes grants to charitable organisations to support a wide variety of charitable aims for the benefit of the public. They have supported hundreds of charities and projects undertaken by community and voluntary organisations. Areas of interest include (with preference for London and Yorkshire)
- advance medical research into the treatment and care of people suffering from mental or physical illness particularly those involved with cancer, circulatory or neurological conditions;
- advance the education of people who are disadvantaged by reason of their social and/or economic circumstances;
- relieve poverty and unemployment including by creating training and employment opportunities;
- advance the Christian religion by providing facilities and services to enable believers to practice their faith and enlighten others about the Christian faith;
- provide recreational facilities for those who by reason of their youth, age, infirmity or disablement, financial hardship or social and/or economic circumstances have need of such facilities;
- help those in need in areas of social and economic deprivation affected by natural disasters or the relief of famine;
- preserve buildings or sites of historical or architectural importance, so that future generations might appreciate and learn from them; and
- arts and cultural activities which may also enhance or further any of the aims and activities above.