Positive Pathways Programme – Veterans Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund
Fund Value: £ 5,200,000. Maximum Value: £ 35,000.
The deadline for Round 5 applications is 30 November 2020 (12:00 noon).
Applications are accepted from registered charities or community interest companies (CICs) that have veterans or serving personnel and/or their families as their sole or primary beneficiaries.
To be eligible, applicants must:
- Meet the Trust’s definition of an Armed Forces charity or CIC.
- Have at least three unrelated trustees or directors.
- Have a track record of supporting veterans with mental health and wellbeing.
- Have at least one year’s worth of published accounts (either audited or independently examined).
- Can demonstrate financial robustness and organisational sustainability for the period of the project including post grant reporting period.
Partnership working with other organisations, either informally or as delivery partners who will help develop and deliver the overall project, is encouraged.
Organisations that have received a previous Positive Pathways grant for one year and can demonstrate that their project has been successful and there is demand for it, can apply for continuation funding, providing the organisation does not have three or more active Positive Pathways grants. (Organisations cannot apply for a continuation grant for projects that have received funding for a two-year period.)
The Trust is keen to encourage applications from organisations supporting veterans in the West Midlands and West Scotland, as these are currently underrepresented in previous funding rounds. It does not expect to fund UK-wide or multi-region projects under this programme.
Eligible organisations can make more than one application to this programme for distinct