Percy Bilton

Funding is available to UK registered charities with primary objectives to assist one or more of the following groups: disadvantaged/underprivileged young people (persons under 25); people with disabilities (physical or learning disabilities or mental health problems); older people (aged over 60).

Grants are for capital items only

The Charity will consider capital funding for the following projects and schemes:

  1. Disadvantaged/underprivileged young people (persons under 25)
    Supported housing schemes and educational and training projects to encourage disadvantaged young people who may be homeless and/or unemployed away from crime, substance/alcohol misuse and homelessness.

    Facilities for recreational activities and outdoor pursuits specifically for young people who are educationally or socially underprivileged or disadvantaged

  2. People with disabilities (physical or learning disabilities or mental health problems)
    Residential, respite care, occupational and recreational establishments for children, young people and adults with physical or learning disabilities or enduring mental health problems
  3. Older people (aged over 60)
    Day centres, nursing and residential homes, sheltered accommodation and respite care for the frail or sufferers from dementia or age related disorders

    Projects to encourage older people to maintain their independence.

1 comment on Percy Bilton

  1. Hi my name is Sadie i run an organisation called HURT, we have been working in the community for 18 years helping disadvantaged young people who are homeless and/or unemployed caught up in the criminal justice, misusing substance/alcohol misuse.

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