COMIC RELIEF are very pleased to announce the launch today of a £4 million grant initiative to support organisations that are working to end violence and abuse experienced by women and girls across the UK. The application phase will run from 17 April to midday, 2 July 2018.
The initiative is funded by Comic Relief with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and governments in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, with government funds raised through the Tampon Tax. The funds will be fully focused on work that supports women and girls at risk of violence who have multiple and complex needs. This includes those who have poor mental health, who use drugs, and/or those who are homeless, as well as less well-served communities or groups, such as BAMER, migrant and LBTI communities, and/or women who are older and/or disabled, among other groups.
Applications are invited for grants of £60,000 – £120,000 across 1 to 3 years and are also open to current grantees. The fund aims to:
- Enable organisations to better support women within the target group.
- Showcase how women’s lived experience can inform the design and delivery of services, practice and policy.
- Provide opportunities for projects to try out new ways and models of working, for example by acting earlier, building community assets or using digital approaches.
- Enable cross sector partnerships to work together to provide high quality support.
- Support approaches that can provide learning for other organisations and stakeholders across the sector.
- Improve access to support for women with complex needs in less well-served communities, such as BAMER, older women, LBTI, disabled women.
To apply or find out more about the fund criteria and process, including detailed guidelines for applying, please visit the Comic Relief initiative page. Further questions can be emailed to our team via our contact page.