National Lottery Statement – Using Artificial Intelligence tools in funding applications

Our statement on the use of Artificial Intelligence tools in funding applications

Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools are becoming increasingly embedded in our lives. Tools like ChatGPT, Gemini, Copilot and Claude are changing the way people work by saving them time and improving accessibility. We understand that the communities we serve will be keen to find ways to use these tools in their own work.

Our position on the use of AI tools is:

You can use AI tools to help write your funding application. We will not reject an application just because AI was used.


AI tools can support you if English is not your first language or if you’re new to writing funding applications. Many of our customers find that using AI helps them write their applications faster and with less effort.

Use AI with caution

AI can provide a useful starting point but often what it produces for you is not as strong as it might appear.

AI supported applications do not tell the unique story of your community and how you want to support them. Being too generic in content may disadvantage your application.

Key tips for using AI

Start with your community

AI tools often produce generic content or include buzzwords that don’t capture your unique perspective or your community’s voice.

  • Make it personal by editing AI-generated content to reflect your own experiences, skills, and what your community has told you they need or hope for.
  • Show community impact, include insights from your community, such as consultation feedback or data, to explain why your project matters and how it will make a difference to their lives.

Be specific

The Fund prioritises applications that provide clear, detailed information.

  • Describe what you’ll do, why, when, and where in your application.
  • The Fund wants to understand the uniqueness of your project so use real examples from your community and details from your work to stand out.

Plan and cost your budget carefully

Applications are assessed on budget planning and value for money.

  • Make sure your budget matches your project activities and supports your goals.
  • Don’t rely on AI-suggested budgets without reviewing them. Ensure they fit your plans and meet the programme’s funding rules.
  • Confirm all costs are eligible, reasonable, and offer good value for money.

Risks when using AI

Look out for inaccuracies

AI can sometimes generate incorrect or misleading information.

  • To ensure accuracy use trusted sources for data and research.
  • Always verify AI-sourced content and adapt it with your expertise and experience.

Your data might not be private

AI tools, especially free ones, may store data you input. This could compromise confidentiality.

  • If you input your organisation’s data into AI tools, ensure that you do so in compliance with relevant legislation.
  • Where personal information is used, please refer to the Information Commissioner’s Office for guidance on AI and data protection.

AI has an environmental impact

AI tools require large amounts of energy and fresh water to power their data centres. This creates significant environmental impact. Estimates suggest that ChatGPT consumes between 50 and 90 times more energy per query than a conventional search.

Use AI mindfully, only use AI where it will clearly help you apply or significantly improve the quality of your application.

This statement explains our current approach to helping communities navigate this new technology. As technology evolves, we may update our position and will keep this page up to date.

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