Localgiving is a charity that helps grassroots organisations fundraise online, develop their
digital skills and connect with local people. Since 2009, they have helped charitable
organisations to raise over £13 million online! Thanks to generous funding and support
from Big Lottery Wales, Localgiving has launched an exciting two year programme in Wales.
Charities who take part in the development programme will receive a range of benefits,
- Free membership for 12 months with Localgiving (usual cost £72)
- One-to-one support, training and mentoring in online fundraising
- A named contact who can be reached Monday-Friday, 9:30am-5:30pm, to discuss all matters relating to online fundraising
- £200 of match funding for donations received online
- Automated Gift Aid, for registered and unregistered charities
If your charity or community group could benefit, please register your interest
at join.localgiving.org/wales, or for more information please contact: North Wales
em**@lo*********.org or South Wales la****@lo*********.org