Unrestricted grants of £50,000 over 2 years, to support small and medium-sized local charities, with a proven track record of helping people in England and Wales with complex social issues, to recover and renew beyond the COVID-19 crisis.
In addition to the funding, charities will be supported by a Regional Manager who will work with them to identify priority development needs and support them to access a wide range of organisation development support to meet those needs.
The Foundation will ringfence 25% of its funding to charities led by, and which support, minoritised and racialised communities.
Priority areas are:
- Addiction and dependency on alcohol, drugs and/or gambling
- Asylum seekers and refugees
- Care leavers
- Domestic and sexual abuse
- Homeless and vulnerably housed
- Learning disabilities
- Mental health
- Offending, prison or community service
- Sexual exploitation
- Trafficking and modern slavery
- Young parents
Visit the website to apply