Keystone Fund

The Keystone Fund aims to enable locally and regionally-focused charities working towards social equity to become more agile in their support for their communities. It provides a programme of unrestricted grants, networking and access to advice webinars and toolkits.

  • Unrestricted grants, intended to enable charitable organisations in the UK to adapt ways of working, strengthen capacity or build resilience, according to identified needs.

  • Grants will be awarded between £5,000 and £50,000

  • Approximately 120 grants will be awarded over 2-3 rounds during 2022-23.

  • Grant funds must begin to be spent within 6 months of grant payment, but can be carried forward into the following financial year if required to enable flexibility. They should be fully spent within 24 months of grant payment.

organisations which primarily support:
o Refugees in the UK
o People experiencing racial inequity
o People experiencing digital poverty
o People at risk of homelessness
o Deaf and disabled people
o LGBQT+ people


Support eligible charitable organisations to:

  • Adapt their ways of working (eg digital capability, staff and volunteer training, operational challenges)

  • Bolster their core building blocks (eg governance, strategic planning, capacity building)

This fund is not designed to support direct service provision or capital projects.

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