The aim of the scheme is to:
• Support formal volunteering projects that aim to recruit, support, train and place new volunteers
• Support volunteering projects working towards meeting the Volunteering Wales Grants themes (based around Welsh Government’s Volunteering Policy).
The Volunteering Wales Grants themes are:
• Young people
• Welsh language
• Tackling poverty
• Underrepresented Groups (BAME, Asylum seekers etc)
• Social exclusion
It is possible to apply for up to a maximum of £20,000.
Your organisation can apply if:
• it is a not-for-profit organisation and is independent of government and private sectors;
• its proposed project /activity will be taking place in Wales (employment outside Wales is not supported under this grant scheme);
• it is an organisation using volunteers to benefit the community
• the proposed project recruits new volunteers.
• the proposed project will meet the themes of the scheme
• your project will begin on 1st April 2017 and finish on 31st March 2018.
Your organisation cannot apply if you are:
• A Political organisation
• A Statutory organisation
• A CVC or Volunteer Centre
Please note that only one application can be made by the same organisation in any grant round.
Volunteering in Wales Grants application window runs from the 1st of September 2016 to the 10th of November 2016.