The Helen Hamlyn Trust is an independent grant-making Trust. The trust initiates medium and long-term major projects linked to the shared interests of Lady Hamlyn and her late husband Lord Hamlyn. Its core ethos is to develop innovative projects, which aim to effect lasting change, improve quality of life and create opportunity for the benefit of the public.
The Trust’s grant-making is in the fields of medicine, arts and culture, education and welfare, healthy ageing, international humanitarian affairs and heritage and conservation in India. Small grants are made to local and regional charities up to £10,000. The Trust develops lasting relationships with leading organisations and individuals to enable new areas of work by creating connections between organisations, and introducing new ideas.
In 2018 they awarded £2.6 million
For further information, please contact:
The Helen Hamlyn Trust
129 Old Church Street
Dear Sir/Madam
Is it worth applying to the trust please? %Thanks
Why Bipolar UK exists:
Bipolar is one of the biggest mental health challenges of the 21st century:
• 1.3 million people in the UK have bipolar. That’s one in fifty people
• Bipolar increases an individual’s risk of suicide by up to 20 times
• It takes an average of nine years to get a correct diagnosis of bipolar
• It is a growing issue with young people more likely to screen positive than older people
• Bipolar has a huge impact on families and friends
• Many people with bipolar continue to lack the basic support and treatment needed to live well with the condition
• The need for a dedicated national bipolar charity has never been greater
What we do:
Bipolar UK is the only national charity dedicated to supporting individuals and families affected by bipolar. Peer support is at the core of our work. Our integrated service consists of:
• More than 80 support groups for people affected by bipolar, facilitated by trained and supported volunteers
• A moderated eCommunity with approximately 20,000 registered members, accessed each week by between 600 and 850 people
• One to one peer support provided by telephone and email, recognising that face to face support groups and a digital service will not be for everyone
• Information provided on our website
Our Vision:
Everyone affected by bipolar can find the support they need when they need it.
Our Mission:
To support and empower more people affected by bipolar to live well with the condition.
Our Strategic Aims:
1. Provide a comprehensive peer support service for people affected by bipolar and increase the reach of our delivery.
2. Act as the voice of our community to improve the country’s health systems and services, and change attitudes to bipolar throughout UK society.
Snr Trusts Fundraiser
Please contact the Trust directly. I only signpost people to opportunities and do not administer any grants