Funders for sport

I’ve been dong some searches recently for some sports groups which I thought it would be good to share

Comic Relief – – opens in May 2016 when they announce their new strategy

Wales Sport Lottery money – lottery money that will cover a wide range of expenditure including  coaching, floodlighting for training, start up grants for new enterprises. Development grants are up to £25,000.–support.aspx

Postcode Lottery Trust  – The Community Sports Programme focuses on supporting grass-roots sports clubs and organisations to obtain kit and equipment. Applicants may request kit and/or equipment totalling between £100-£2,000. See website

Also a community grant which will fund sport activities. The Fund  seeks to empower groups of people by providing them with the skills and resources they need to effect change in their own communities. see website

ASDA Foundation

Garfield Weston Foundation – A very general for range of activities; but they like to see match funding in place of at least 50%. The trust like to see signs of good financial planning

Peter Harrison Foundation – Opportunities through Sport Programme

PHF support sporting activities or projects which provide opportunities for people who are disabled or otherwise disadvantaged to fulfil their potential and to develop other personal and life skills.  Grants will often be “one off” grants for capital projects.

Charities or CASC’s can apply through on line expression of interest under their Opportunities through Sport programme. Full detail here

The Henry Smith Charity
Available to not for profit organisations, for initiatives and projects that address social inequality and economic disadvantage. The charity makes both capital and revenue grants of up to three years. The charity does not normally fund leisure, recreation and play activities unless they are specifically for disabled people, are able to evidence a significant rehabilitative benefit to people with mental health problems, improve life opportunities for young people or are directly linked to support services for old people.

Trusthouse Charitable Foundation
The TCF accepts applications from organisations which are addressing issues in rural areas. ‘Rural’ in this context means cities, towns, villages and areas with 10,000 or less inhabitants.  Examples of the types of projects that they are interested in include:

  • contact networks for the young disabled
  • projects which encourage a sense of community such as community centres and village halls
  • projects addressing issues such as drug/alcohol misuse or homelessness

In addition they are interested in applications from areas of Urban Deprivation classified as being in the lowest 20% in the Indices of Multiple Deprivation).


 Lord’s Taverners Foundation
Funding available to encourage young people with disabilities to participate in sporting activities with the provision of manual sports wheelchairs, specially adapted minibuses and the support of the game of cricket at grass roots level.

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