Fulmer Charitable Trust

Fulmer Charitable Trust

The Fulmer Charitable Trust make grants at the discretion of the Trustees. They tend to make a lot of smaller grants around £500 – £2000. Around 70% of grants are for the relief of hardship, the remainder 10% education, 10% religion and 10% general purpose.

Most grants are £500 – £2000, with occasional grants as high as £15,000. They also fund work overseas

Mr John Spencer Reis

Estate Office, Street Farm, Clane, SN11 8RH

Detail of accounts are on the Charity Commission website

7 comments on Fulmer Charitable Trust

  1. Hi there.
    I am not sure if I have come to the correct website for the Fulmer charitable trust.
    My charity Seedlings for Christ recently received a generous donation of £1000 and I wanted to write and say thank you.
    Have I come to the correct place?

  2. Please may I have an email address or tel number as the number mentioned on several websites (01249 760410) appears to be out of order?
    Thank you, Stephen Lustig: Development research for Doorstep Library

  3. For the attention for: THE FULMER CHARITABLE TRUST

    Dear Mr Reis and your fellow Trustees,

    May we at The John Fawcett Foundation and The John Fawcett Foundation (UK) offer you our Seasons Greetings

    Your continuous support is a great encouragement to all we do as even in this very difficult year, we work as hard a ever in continuing our work

     Please see below…

    Our very best and sincerest of wishes to you and to stay healthy & Safe for 2021,

    Jeremy (Hope) & Wendy (Gough) and fellow Trustee

    Trustees, The John Fawcett Foundation (UK) UK Charity: 1115274

    View this email in your browser

    Over the past difficult months, we at JFF have been encouraged and invigorated by the wonderful continuing support from our donors.

    In July, after several months of inability to conduct our usual programs due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we were very glad to be able to resume clinics and operations at our Headquarters in Sanur, Bali, continuing our assistance to people with visual problems and blindness and we look forward to resuming our village and offshore programs as soon as it is safe to do so.

    The JFF team wishes you all the best for a happy festive season and a safe and healthy year ahead.



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