The £1m We Move Fund: Youth Social Action aims to empower Black children and young people through Youth Social Action
The We Move Fund: Youth Social Action aims to:
- Reach Black children and young people with opportunities to have their voices heard. It will empower them to create change about issues that matter to them
- Achieve positive outcomes for Black children and young people through Youth Social Action
- Learn about what Youth Social Action means to Black children and young people. We will share this learning with the section
To be part of the We Move Fund: Youth Social Action at least 75% or more of the children and young people you are working with on this project should self-identify as Black.
We particularly encourage you to apply if your organisation is Black-led.
By ‘Black-led’, we mean that:
- the most senior leader (CEO or Chair of Trustee Board) self-identifies as Black; and
- 50% or more of the Board of Trustees/ Management Committee, the senior staff self-identify as Black.
Organisations that are not Black-led organisations in a position to make an application, must be able to show:
- A track record of working with Black children and young people.
- That at least 75% or more of the children and young people you are working with on this project self-identify as Black.
- The ways in which your organisation reflects the community you work in
Grants up to £15,000 for unregistered organisations and up to £50,000 for registered bodies (please read the detail below carefully)