Category: environment

Grow Wild

Local community groups wishing to bring people together to transform neglected and uninspiring community sites into spaces which everyone can enjoy have until 2 December 2014 to apply for funding for projects starting in March 2015. Supported by funding from the Big Lottery Fund and led by Royal Botanic Gardens in Kew, Grow Wild is […]

HLF Parks for People

Financial assistance is available for restoration and regeneration projects focusing on public parks and cemeteries in the UK. Parks for People is a joint initiative between Heritage Lottery Fund and the Big Lottery Fund (BIG) that provides grants to revitalize historic public parks and cemeteries. Grants can be worth up to £5,000,000 and the application deadline […]

Grimples Green Grants Scheme

The scheme is awarding £1,000 to support small environmentally-friendly projects taking place throughout the United Kingdom. The scheme will fund small environmentally-friendly projects. This could include anything from creating a community garden to reducing food miles by growing vegetables or creating a wildlife garden to encourage biodiversity back into gardens. For more details visit

Funding to support ecosystems in Wales

The Welsh Government has made available £1.5 million to support the development of projects that ensure that our ecosystems are more resilient and diverse and better able to provide the essential service on which society depends. This Resilient Ecosystem fund is administered by NRW, with the applications for funding assessed by the Wales Biodiversity Partnership.’ […]

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