Big Lottery “Strength Checker”

Big Lottery has launched a strength checker tool for charities

The Big Lottery Fund has announced the launch of a new website that can be used by charities, community groups and social enterprises to receive free personalised reports on how to improve their performance and sustainability.

The VCSE StrengthChecker, was launched on 1 February, was developed by the Lottery in partnership with the Cabinet Office and is mainly aimed at small to medium-sized organisations.

It has been programmed to diagnose the resilience of organisations by asking questions such as “Have you taken any cost saving measures over the last 24 months?”, “Which of the following best describes the experience of your most senior member of staff?” and “What is the competition like for the product(s) or service(s) you offer?”

The website will automatically generate personalised reports once organisations have completed all the questions.

Reports highlight an organisation’s key strengths and areas to help them become more effective, including sustainability, marketing, strategy and planning, track record, quality and impact.

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